Your new mission

Your new mission

We all adjust differently to major life changes. For you and your family, the transition to post-service life means big changes, and sometimes challenges. It is a unique experience.

Your well-being is important

Every year, approximately 5,000 CAF Regular Force members transition from the military to post-service life. In the 2016 Life After Service Survey, 52% of these Veterans reported an easy adjustment to civilian life, about 15% reported that they had neither ease nor difficulty in the transition, but 32% of Veterans said they had difficulties in adjusting to life after service. This puts their well-being at risk.

No matter who you are—young, old, military or civilian—your well-being is important.

Do you feel satisfied and fulfilled with a sense of purpose, financially secure, safely housed, in good health physically and mentally, highly resilient in the face of change, well-integrated in the community, proud, and valued and celebrated by Canadians?

Research on well-being has led to the introduction of the seven domains of well-being. All seven domains are linked.

For example, your employment can impact your health, social integration and finances. Meanwhile, your health, social integration and financial situation can affect your ability to find or retain a job.

The seven domains of well-being

  1. Employment or other meaningful purpose - Engaged in new work, spending time with family and/or in retirement.
  2. Financial security - What's needed to ensure well-being in all domains.
  3. Health - Functioning well physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
  4. Life skills and preparedness - Able to adapt expertise and manage post-service life.
  5. Social Integration - Maintain or develop mutually supportive relationships.
  6. Housing and physical environment - Safe, adequate and affordable accommodation.
  7. Cultural and social environment - Understood, valued and supported by the community.

Defining Well-Being

Research shows that health alone does not equal well-being. Health—physical, mental, social and spiritual functioning—is one of seven critical domains of well-being.

Your well-being goals are unique to you and your family. We can play an important role in supporting your well-being. Our mission is to help you adapt to life after service.

Pension for life - Financial security supports overall well-being. Pension for Life for Veterans improves how Veterans can receive key financial benefits.

Find a new job - Find jobs for Armed Forces Veterans, and other career-related services and information.

Financial programs and services - Support for your income, help making ends meet, and emergency funding.

Health programs and services - Find information on benefits and services that relate to your health needs and well-being.

Housing and home life - Getting help at home, assistance with at-risk housing situations, death and bereavement.

Date published: 2019-01-16

Further reading