The RCMP and overseas service

The RCMP and overseas service

Since 1989, some 4,000 Canadian police officers have served in more than 60 operations abroad. Many of these personnel are members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

Canadian Armed Forces personnel have taken part in many combat and peacekeeping operations overseas since the end of the Second World War. What may be less well known is the role Canadian police officers play in overseas deployments.

Their duties have centered mostly on training, mentoring and monitoring police forces, as well as focusing on security and justice sector reforms.

We recognize these members—be they Veterans or personnel who still serve—with a close look at five of these deployments:

  1. Bosnia and Herzegovina. From 1996 to 2005, Canada supplied police officers to the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the European Union Police Mission. The Canadian personnel helped develop a civilian police force in the war torn Balkan country. Fifteen RCMP officers were among the mission’s first contingent.
  2. Afghanistan. From 2003 to 2014, Canada played a prominent role in the United Nations mandated and NATO led mission in Afghanistan. Some 300 police officers served along with thousands of military personnel and many diplomats. These officers, many from the RCMP, trained and mentored their counterparts in the Afghan national police.
  3. Haiti. Since 1990, peacekeepers from the Canadian Armed Forces and civilian police forces have served in Haiti on various United Nations missions. For the RCMP, the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti (MIPONUH) stands out as being the most consequential of all deployments. Operating from 1997 to 2000, the mission was made up of 300 police personnel from Canada and 10 other countries. Its role was to improve the methods and conduct of the country’s national police.
  4. Ukraine. Seventeen RCMP officers are deployed in Ukraine as of September 2019. These personnel serve as part of two missions: a bilateral operation with Ukraine’s national police, and EUAM Ukraine (the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform). They supply training and advice to strengthen the effectiveness of the country’s national police in dealing with criminal investigations and in preventing and responding to gender based violence.
  5. Mali. As of September 2019, nine RCMP officers are serving in Mali. They are in the West African country as part of MINUSMA (the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali) and EUCAP Sahel Mali (the European Union capacity building mission). These officers have joined colleagues from other countries to improve the abilities of Malian police to uphold laws and protect civilians, to ultimately improve the safety and security of the Malian people.

Date published: 2020-02-04

Further reading