Get the most out of your transition interview

Get the most out of your transition interview

Leaving military service can be a big change. As a Veteran getting ready to transition, you may face difficult questions about your post-service life, including “Where will I find work?,” “Do I qualify for benefits and services?,” and “What community supports are available to me?”

It is natural to be concerned about the future, but studies show that 52% of Veterans report easy adjustments to their post-service lives. With proper planning and support, you can make the most of out of this important period in your life.

What is a transition interview?

When transitioning to life after service, one of the steps you should take is to complete a transition interview. It is a discussion about your particular needs and experiences, it can answer questions you have about your transition to post-service life, and provide information on programs that may be available to you. A transition interview can:

  • offer advice on applying for Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) programs,
  • refer you to a case manager from VAC or the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and
  • refer you and your family members to other community service providers.

Bring a family member to your transition interview. Your family transitions with you. Their perspective on this important life change can offer new ideas and new solutions to challenges.

What do I need to bring?

You do not need to bring anything to your transition interview, but you may wish to prepare ahead of time. Think about:

  • what activities you find meaningful or beneficial,
  • how you will ensure financial security for you and your family, and
  • ways you could become engaged in your community and create a support network around you

Do I qualify? When should I schedule an interview?

If you served in either the CAF or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), you qualify for a transition interview. Interviews are available to all regular and reserve members of the CAF—and regular and civilian members of the RCMP—if you have already started, or plan to start, your release process.

There is no set time to schedule a transition interview, but it is best to go through the process before you release. We recommend scheduling as early as possible—up to six months, or even a year before you release—so you can be fully prepared. Doing so helps us understand your needs and gives us time to work with you to complete applications for any programs and benefits for which you may qualify.

Even if you have already released, you may still qualify for a transition interview. Contact us to learn more.

Schedule your interview

Schedule your transition interview by visiting your local Transition Centre or a regional VAC office. You can also call 1-866-522-2122.

Date published: 2020-01-29

Further reading