David Laird Gordon

Napanee , Ontario

Mr. David Gordon, a Royal Canadian Legion member since 1972, is nominated for his contribution to the wellbeing of Veterans.

He has held several leadership roles at his local Legion branch, and is currently serving as Chairman of Veterans Services and Seniors Committee at the provincial level and is the Homeless Veterans Advisor to the Dominion Command Veterans Services Committee. He is the driving force behind the creation of the national “Operation Leave the Streets Behind” program, which provides assistance for more than 900 homeless or near homeless Veterans. His experience and reputation as a true leader is well known and members across the country reach out to him when expert advice is required to help Veterans and their families.

He has also worked with three major long term care centers, Perley and Rideau, Parkwood and Sunnybrook, as well as the numerous facilities across the province where Veterans may be cared for. He is committed to Veterans’ wellbeing and spends countless volunteer hours working with other concerned members of our society to find solutions to the multitude of problems that arise in order to improve the life of Veterans.