Catherine Johnston: Field Nursing Services Officer

Catherine Johnston: Field Nursing Services Officer

I’ve worked at our North Bay office since 2016. My job is to make sure Veterans receive the health care and nursing resources they need.

I am also a Veteran. I served in the Regina Rifle Regiment and attained the rank of Corporal.

A nurse first

Before joining Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), I worked for about 11 years as a registered nurse providing home visits and other services in the community. A lot of my work over that time was meeting the day to day nursing needs of clients, some of whom were Veterans. I administered IV therapy, cared for wounds and assisted with medications.

I also conducted nursing assessments for Veterans who often struggled with health issues. Based on a Veteran’s needs, I would then make recommendations and send those to VAC.

Seeing what VAC could do

My experience interacting with VAC while working as a nurse for other employers was always positive. They were attentive to the needs of clients. It was in that work that I saw firsthand how much I could do for Veterans in our community if I also had the opportunity to work at VAC.

Now I’m also the person at VAC who receives the same assessments I used to perform.

Putting health care resources to work

It’s said in health care that you try to do the best you can with what you have, and luckily at VAC we know the importance of Veterans getting the best care possible. When there can at times be struggles in provincial health care for resources, VAC does its best to be generous. Sometimes it’s hard if there is a health or benefit issue that isn’t covered by VAC. We always wish we could do more. But I’m glad to say we always try to do all we can for the Veterans in our programs.

I know how important it is that I continue to do my best at VAC to get Veterans the resources they need.

I’m proud of my work and proud of what I’ve been able to do for Veterans with VAC.

Date published: 2020-02-20

Further reading