Robert Metcalfe

Ottawa, Ontario

A Veteran of the Second World War, Mr. Metcalfe was awarded a Life Membership to The Royal Canadian Legion in 1996, in recognition of his valued commitment and support of the RCL. During the past 45 years, he has helped raise thousands of dollars on behalf of the Gurkha Welfare Appeal, to provide pensions, welfare, recreation and medical centres to the Veterans of Nepal.

For the past 10 years, Mr. Metcalfe has been The Royal Canadian Legion speaker at the "Encounters With Canada" program, addressing grade 12 and 13 students from across the country. Mr. Metcalfe also served many years as a volunteer guide at the Canadian War Museum, offering them remarkable insights into the achievements and sacrifices of Canadian Veterans. Mr. Metcalfe hosted at his own expense, many groups of Veterans and their families in Europe, leading them on visits of First World War battlefields, cemeteries and cenotaphs. In addition to funding two tours to Sicily and Italy, Mr. Metcalfe conducted several tours to coincide with D-Day anniversaries. He has personally researched the sites prior to conducting the tours, ensuring that the next of kin would visit the final resting places of their relatives and comrades.

Mr. Metcalfe has published his war memoirs, thereby keeping alive for future generations the memory of the sacrifice of Veterans. Mr. Metcalfe is a much-admired role model among Veterans and in his community.