Pierre Vennat

Pierre Vennat is a journalist specializing in politics, social issues and Canadian military history. During his 44 years with the newspaper La Presse, this seasoned writer has produced more than 11,000 articles. Currently in semi-retirement, he is still writing a cultural history column for a Montréal daily. A military history enthusiast, he has attended many conferences and presented several works with others or on his own in this field. In all, he has had eight books published by the Éditions du Méridien , the latest of which is Carabiniers et Voltigeurs contre Louis Riel, which he wrote in collaboration with Major Michel Litalien, an historian with the Department of National Defence. His next book will be about the life of Brigadier-General Dollard Ménard, an important French-Canadian Second World War hero.

A member of the Officers' Club of the Fusiliers Mont-Royal, Pierre Vennat is active in a number of Veterans' organizations, including the Musée des Fusiliers Mont-Royal. From November 5-11, 2003, he will again be the Honourary President of Veterans' Week 2003 in Quebec.

Pierre Vennat is the son of Lieutenant André Vennat, who died at Dieppe in 1942. His grandfather, Captain Raoul Vennat, and his uncle, Jean Vennat, both answered their nation's call. Mr. Vennat is recognized by his peers for his understanding of the contributions of French-Canadians to our military history.