Louis Lang

During the Second World War, Mr. Lang served with distinction in Ferry Command. For 20 years following his retirement, Mr. Lang took up the cause of his comrades who needed assistance in the area of Veterans' benefits. After years of arduous research and consistent lobbying, he single-handedly convinced officials at Veterans Affairs that these Veterans ought to be treated in the same fashion as their colleagues in the Armed Forces and ought therefore to be granted access to programs and services. Mr. Lang's efforts culminated with legislation extending benefits to members of the Ferry Command, and other civilian groups, receiving Royal Assent in October 2000.

To this day, Mr. Lang continues to be an advocate for Veterans and he is devoted to helping out each and every one of his comrades. He diligently assists Veterans in applying for pensions and health care benefits and when required, engages in the necessary research to confirm their eligibility to various programs and services. His knowledge of administrative procedure and policy has been invaluable in assisting Veterans with their benefits.

Mr. Lang has contributed in an exemplary manner to the recognition, care and well-being of Veterans, as well as to the remembrance of their contributions, sacrifice and achievements. Mr. Lang is well known in the community for his selfless and exceptional devotion to Veterans.