The Honourable George Hees 1910 - 1996 (Posthumous)

Burlington, Ontario

A former Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister, the Honourable George Hees was a decorated Veteran of the Second World War, a former football player and businessman who served in various key economic departments including Trade and Transport - but was probably best known as Minister of Veterans Affairs. Having been wounded during the Battle of the Scheldt, he understood Veterans and he proudly advanced Canada's tradition of providing benefits and services for those who served. The Veterans Affairs portfolio was one that he passionately enjoyed and his crowning achievements at Veterans Affairs were benefits for Canada Service Only Veterans and the Veterans Independence Program (VIP), both of which have had a significant, enduring impact on the well-being of Veterans. The Honourable George Hees was respected by all who knew him, especially Veterans, who considered him as their champion, hero and friend.