Postcards for Peace


Learning outcomes:

  • To help youth understand the significance of the sacrifices and achievements of Canada's Veterans or Canadian Forces members.
  • To link youth and Veterans or Canadian Forces members in a personal way.

Activity components:


  1. Distribute postcards to students.
  2. Explain briefly who Veterans or Canadian Forces members are and the types of tasks they have been engaged in during the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean War and peace operations, domestic and foreign.
  3. Encourage students to write a message of appreciation, or have them write how they will remember the sacrifices and achievements of Canadian Veterans or Canadian Forces members.
    • Thank you for keeping Canada safe.
    • Thank you for your sacrifices.
    • I will remember by wearing a poppy on my heart.
    • I will remember by going to a Remembrance Day ceremony.
  4. Collect postcards:
    • Postcards destined for the same address must be grouped together in a single package.
    • Provide the name and address of your school or organization and the participating students' grade level(s).
    • Ensure that each postcard contains appropriate content before sending.
  5. Mail your postcards to the address of your choice.

Additional Information

  • Please do not send postcards to Veterans Affairs Canada.
  • Please complete the evaluation form so that this activity may continue and improve.
  • These postcards are anonymous and no personal data is to be used such as the addresses of youth or of the Veterans or Canadian Forces members who may receive the messages of thanks.
  • These postcard are greatly appreciated by the Veterans or Canadian Forces members who receive them.