Col. (Ret) Jean-Louis Cousineau CD, KstJ

A Veteran of the Second World War, Col. Cousineau's military career in the Canadian Forces spans more than 40 years. Upon his retirement in 1981, Mr. Cousineau was named Honourary Colonel of the 51e Bataillon des Services du Canada.

Over a period of 30 years, Jean-Louis Cousineau has been actively involved with several volunteer organizations, such as Le Conseil du Québec de l'Ordre de Saint-Jean, for which he is presently Vice Chancellor. For more than 25 years, Mr. Cousineau was an elected official, and eventually became Vice President of the Executive Committee for the City of Saint-Laurent. It is during these years that Mr. Cousineau successfully had a memorial erected to the memory of Canadian Veterans. Mr. Cousineau was also an effective advocate for Veterans and his fellow citizens through his active involvement in several local committees within his community.

Throughout his career, Mr. Cousineau's outstanding contributions to Veterans and the commemoration of their sacrifice and achievements have earned him official recognition, both from military and civilian entities. He has won numerous accolades and awards for his devotion to the welfare of Veterans and his effective advocacy on their behalf.