Armin Konn

Scarborough, Ontario

A Second World War Allied Veteran, Mr. Konn has made a significant contribution to his Legion Branch where he has been Service Officer. For the past 10 years, Mr. Konn has volunteered his services to the Alzheimer Department of the St. Paul L'Amoreaux Seniors Centre, the Hospital for Sick Children and the Agincourt Community Services Association. Mr. Konn is involved with the Canadian-Ukranian Community Freedom & Democracy. Mr. Konn has devoted innumerable hours over the past 20 years to the Air Cadet League of Canada, chairing local Squadron Sponsoring Committees, raising funds to support training, organizing field trips, sports competitions and social events for the squadron. Mr. Konn's tireless efforts on behalf of the Squadron have been an inspiration to cadets and have led to a greater bond with, and a better understanding of, Veterans. Mr. Konn often entertains Seniors and Veterans with his accordion, and also volunteers for The Royal Canadian Mounted Police as a firearms verifier.