Allan R. Parks Dominion President, The Royal Canadian Legion

Allan Parks' 24 year involvement with The Royal Canadian Legion has seen him elected as the first Associate Member to become a Provincial President, the youngest elected officer at the Dominion Command and the first Associate Member to attain the Legion's highest elected office of Dominion President. He is also the first member of the Prince Edward Island Provincial Command to hold this prestigious office in the largest Veterans' service organization in the country.

During his years serving Canada's Veterans at the community, provincial and national levels, he has chaired numerous committees involved with all aspects of the Legion's work. It is in the area of Veterans service, however, where he has made the greatest contribution to the lives of Canada's Veterans and their families. Now in his fourth year as the Veterans Services Committee Chairman at the national level, he has managed numerous Veterans' issues through the Legion's resolution system as well as that of the Federal Government. His work has produced significant results in the areas of revising the Pension Act to allow reassessments of pension rates after the passing of a Veteran, an important benefit for survivors; revising the Table of Disabilities to include post-traumatic stress disorder; enabling Canadian Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police members to collect pensions while still in service; successfully working to expand the definition of the word "Veteran"; and fighting for Merchant Navy compensation.