Alexandra de Quimper

Curran, Ontario

Alexandra de Quimper is nominated for her work in honouring and commemorating Veterans interred in the cemetery in the former community of Grant, Ontario.

As a volunteer historian, she has helped to maintain the history of Grant and, in particular, the Veterans from the region. She has worked closely with the Last Post Fund to have grave markers placed to properly identify Veterans long forgotten. For more than 20 years, she has maintained the grave sites of these Veterans and ensures a small Canadian flag is always in place in front of the stones. She also organizes commemorative events, including a Remembrance Day ceremony, attended by local residents, and has wreaths placed at each grave marker. On the evening of November 11, she also donates her time to organize a candlelight ceremony for the Girl Guides. In addition to the annual Remembrance Day ceremony, she places Christmas wreaths with bows on the gravesites of the Veterans. Her commitment to remembering these Veterans is remarkable, and thanks to her, they are never forgotten.