VAC programs available to homeless Veterans

VAC programs available to homeless Veterans
- Homeless Veterans with service-related condition(s) - Homeless Veterans without service-related condition(s)
Transition services/interview Helps Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP Veterans preparing for release to identify their needs and learn about VAC services and benefits.
Case management Case Management Services supports Veterans and former RCMP with complex needs in reaching their optimal level of wellness and autonomy through a collaborative and direct process by the coordination of care, use of resources and access to programs
Financial support
Income Replacement Benefit -
Treatment AllowanceFootnote 3 -
War Veterans AllowanceFootnote 1 Footnote 4
Canadian Forces Income SupportFootnote 1 -
Trust Funds
Veterans Emergency Fund
Mental and physical health
Operational Stress Injury (OSI) Clinics -
Peer Support
VAC Assistance Service (24/7 help line)
Pastoral outreach
Medical rehabilitation -
Psycho-social rehabilitation -
Treatment benefits for injury/illnessFootnote 1 -
Veterans Independence ProgramFootnote 1 -
Long-term careFootnote 1 -
Access to Group Health InsuranceFootnote 1 -
Re-establishment and Career Transition Services
Vocational rehabilitation and training -
Labour market information services & career planning
Career counselling
Education and Training BenefitFootnote 1
Job-search training and support
Compensation for service-related disability
Pain and Suffering Compensation -
Disability PensionFootnote 1 Footnote 5 -
Additional Pain and Suffering CompensationFootnote 2 -
Exceptional Incapacity AllowanceFootnote 2 Footnote 3 -
Attendance AllowanceFootnote 3 -
Critical Injury Benefit -